We’re excited to announce that Isaac C. Singleton Jr. (Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, voice of Thanos in the Avengers movies) has joined the cast of Emergence 2028! He’ll play the role of Zayne Jackson, codenamed “Blackout.” An angry youth, Jackson channeled his aggression into boxing and became the heavyweight champion of the world, who earned a fearsome reputation as a KO artist, hence his codename. However, his anger eventually got the best of him and he ended up killing a few men at a lounge one night. Now, he works for sinister forces in the savage neon noir world of Emergence 2028. Filming Act 2 Feb 4, 2024 in Los Angeles.
“Welcome to the savage cyberpunk nightmare of #Emergence2028 – where shadowy entities infest a crumbling, alternate future Los Angeles. But a small group led by a mysterious black ops warrior rise up against the tide of terror in #Emergence2028”
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